12 Aralık, Perşembe - 2024

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Bîblîyografyaya xebatên der barê êzidiyan û êzdayetiyê de

Ji destpêka sedsala 21’emîn vir ve hevsengiya cîhanê û pê re jî ya Rojhilata Navîn guherî. Piştî ku berê her kesî vegeriya Rojhilata Navîn netew, gel û civakên li herêmê ji nêz ve hatin şopandin. Yek ji wan civakan jî civaka kurdên êzidî ye. Bala cîhanê bi destpêka sedsalê re bêhtir çû ser kurdên êzidî. Bêguman mirov dikare gelek sedeman ji bo vê yekê rêz bike. Lê sedema sereke baweriya kurdên êzidî bi xwe bû. Êzidî ji çi bawer dikin? Dînê wan di nav pergala dînên cîhanî de çawa tê nirxandin? Ayîn, dêlindêz û merasimên xwe yên dînî, çawa pêk tînin? Di civakê de pergaleke çawa heye?  ûhwd. Bi pirs û boçûnên bi vî rengî êzidiyan, êzdayetiyê hêdî hêdî di nav akademiya cîhanê de cihê xwe girt. Ji berê de ye xebatên hêja li ser êzidiyan hatine kirin û der barê êzidiyan de dewlet û împeratoriyan têra xwe arşîv girtine. Lê belê bi vê sedsalê û destwerdanên li ser Rojhilata Navîn êzidî bêhtir bûn dabaşa xeberdanê.

Nexasim piştî dagirkirin û Komkujiya Şengalê xebatên akademîk û lêkolînî yên li ser êzdayetiyê û êzidiyan her çû zêdetir bûn. Mirov dikare bi rihetî bibêje ku ji 3’ê tebaxa 2014’an heta niha bi dehan pirtûk, bi sedan tezên akademîk û gotar hatine nivîsîn. Pêwîst e her berhem bi baldariyeke zanistî bên nirxandin. Em ê kurte bîbliyografyayeke van xebatan pêşkêşî xwîneran bikin da ku xwîner bikaribin ji van xebatan haydar bin.

Duh Meclisa Medyaya Sanal a Kurdistanê bi boneya salvegera Komkujiya Şengalê li ser medyaya dijîtal kampanyayek da destpêkirin. Di çarçoveya vê kampanyayê de bi deh hezaran kes bûn dengê berxwedana êzidiyan li Şengalê. Ev bîbliyografya jî danehev û lêkolînekî piçûk e ji bo kesên ku dixwazin hûrgiliyên vê dabaşê lêbikolin. Helbet hêj gelek berhem hebûn ku me tev li vê bîbliyografyayê nekiriye. Ev berhemên di vê bîbliyografyayê de hêjayî vê xebata bîbliyografyayê hatine dîtin.


Çavkaniyên kurdî:

  1. Bi Zarê Êzîdiyan Çîrokên Gelêrî, Îdrîs Okûdûçî, J&J Yayınları
  2. Êzdîtî – Divê Mirov Rastiya Wê li ku Bigere, Ezizê Cewo, J&J Yayınları
  3. Êzdîxan û 97 Ferman, Amed Tigris – Rojîn Zarg, Apec Yayınları
  4. Heleqetîyêd Pismamtîyê di Nav Kurdan de, Emînê Evdal, Lîs, 2021
  5. Bawermendîyên Kurdên Êzdî, Emînê Evdal, Lîs, 2021
  6. Êzdîyatî, Tosinê Reşîd, Lîs, 2010
  7. Rewşa Kurden Ezidi: Fermana 73yan, Hayrettin Ekinci, J&J Yayınları, 2016
  8. Wer Sind Die Eziden? / Ezidî Kî Ne?: Ezidische Kinder Und Jugendliche Stellen Fragen Zu İhrer Religion, Identität Und Migration / Zarok Û Ciwanên Êzidî Pirsan Li Ser Dîn, Nasname Û Penaberiya Xwe Dikin, Jan Ilhan Kizilhan, Koerdisch editie, 2013


Çavkaniyên tirkî:

  1. Ezidi – Kızılbaş – Yaresan Kürtler, Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Yayınları, 2014, Ankara
  2. Acılı Coğrafyanın Kederli Çocukları, Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Yayınları, Ankara, 2015
  3. Osmanlı Ve İngiliz Arşiv Belgelerinde Yezidiler, Amed Gökçen, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2012, İstanbul
  4. Ezidiler: Kara Kitap, Kara Talih, Amed Gökçen, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014, İstanbul
  5. Kadim Bir Nefes: Ezidi Ağıtları, Amed Gökçen, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2015, İstanbul,
  6. Abede-İ İblis: Yezidi Taifesinin İtikadı, A’datı, Evsafı, Ayandan Mustafa Nuri Paşa, Hazırlayan: Amed Gökçen, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2013, İstanbul
  7. Ezidilik: Arka Planı, Dinî Âdetleri Ve Metinsel Geleneği, Philip G. Kreyenbroek, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014, İstanbul
  8. Yezidilerin Tarihi, John S. Guest, Avesta Yayınları
  9. Yezidi Sözlü Kültürü, Christine Allison, Avesta Yayınları
  10. Yezidiler, Din Tarih Ve Toplumsal Hayat, Roger Lescot, Avesta Yayınları
  11. Yezidi İnancında Melek-İ Tawus, Otto Jastrow, Avesta Yayınları
  12. Yezidi Kadınlar: Kültürel Sınırların Edilgen Taşıyıcıları, Fexrîye Adsay, Avesta Yayınları
  13. Avrupa’da Yezidilik, Philip G. Kreyenbroek, Avesta Yayınları
  14. Yezidi İnancında Melek-İ Tawus, Mehmet Raif Söylemez, Avesta Yayınları
  15. Tanrı Ve Şeyh Adi Kusursuzdur: Yezidi Tarihinden Kutsal Şiirler Ve Dinsel Anlatılar, Philip G. Kreyenbroek-Xelil Reşow, Avesta Yayınları
  16. Şeyh Adi Bin Müsafir Hayatı, Menkıbevi Kişiliği Ve Yezidi İnancındaki Yeri, Metin Bozan, Nubihar Yayınları
  17. Sincar Dağı – Bilinmeyen Bir Halkın Öyküsü: Yezidi Halkının Yarı Pagan Öğretisi Ve Uygulamaları, Samuele Giamil, 2018
  18. Ezidiler: Bir Toplumun Kültürünün Ve Dininin Tarihi, Birgül Açıkyıldız Şengül, Alfa Yayınları, 2015
  19. Fermanlara Direnen Halk Ezidiler, Mazlum Özdemir, Belge Yayınları, 2015
  20. Ezidilerin 73. Fermanı Şengal Soykırımı, Namık Kemal Dinç, Zan Yayınları, 2015
  21. Melek Tavus’un Halkı – Ezidiler, Sabiha Banu Yalkut, Metis, 2002
  22. Ezidiler: 73. Ferman Katliam Ve Kurtuluş, Nurcan Baysal, İletişim, 2016
  23. Öteki Kürtler: Sömürge Irak’ında Ezidiler, Nelida Fuccaro, Bgst Yayınları, 2010
  24. Işidin Kölesi, Thierry Oberle, Librium Yaınevi, 2015
  25. Son Kız: Esaretimin Hikayesi Ve Işid’le Mücadelem: Esaretimin Hikayesi Ve Işid’le Mücadelem, Nadia Murad, Epsilon, 2019
  26. Yezidilik, Mehmet Sait Çakar, Vadi Yayınları,
  27. Yezidilik Ve Yezidiler, Davut Okçu, Ekin Yayınları, 2021
  28. Kanatların Gölgesinde – Şengal Dile Gelirse, Namık Kemal Dinç, Zan Vakfı Yayınları


Çavkaniyên îngilizî:

Selected Bibliography of Works on Yezidis in English, 2000–2016( Bîbliyografyaya Xebatên Bijartî yên der barê Êzidiyan de, 2000-2016) *

  1. Ackermann, A. (2004). A Double Minority: Notes on the Emerging Yezidi Diaspora. In W. Kokot et al. (eds.), Diaspora, Identity and Religion. New Directions in Theory and Research (156–169). London, New York: Routledge.
  2. Ackermann, A. (2008). Diaspora, Cyberspace and Yezidism. The Use of the Internet among Yezidis in Germany. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 54–83.
  3. Ackermann, A. (2010). Review of Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. in collab. with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh. J. Rashow, Yezidism in Europe: Different Generations Speak about their Religion. Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Series: Iranica, 5, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009. Religion, 40(4), 366–368.
  4. Açikyildiz, B. (2009). The Sanctuary of Shaykh ‘Adī at Lalish: Centre of Pilgrimage of the Yezidis. BSOAS, 72(2), 302–333.
  5. Açikyildiz, B. (2010). The Yezidis: the History of a Community, Culture and Religion. London: I.B. Tauris. (2nd edition 2014.)
  6. Allison, Ch. (2001). The Yezidi Oral Tradition in Iraqi Kurdistan. Richmond: Curzon Press.
  7. Allison, Ch. (2004). Imagining the Book: Fakery, Fantasy and the Search for Yezidi Scriptures. In A. Krasnowolska et al. (eds.), International Conference on Kurdish Studies (133–144). Cracow: Polish Academy of Sciences Press.
  8. Allison, Ch. (2004). Yazidis i. General. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Originally Published: July 20, 2004. Available at: http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/yazidis-i-general-1.
  9. Allison, Ch. (2008). “Unbelievable Slowness of Mind”: Yezidi Studies, from Nineteenth to Twenty-First Century. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 1–23.
  10. Allison, Ch. (2009). Representations of Yezidism and Zoroastrianism in the Kurdish Newspapers Hawar and Roja Nû. In Ch. Allison, A. Joisten-Pruschke, A. Wendtland (eds.), From Daena to Din: Religion, Kultur und Sprache in der iranischen Welt (285–291). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  11. Allison, Ch. (2013). Addressivity and the Monument: Memorials, Publics and the Yezidis of Armenia. History & Memory, 25(1), 145–181.
  12. Allison, Ch. (2014). Living with Labels: New Identities and the Yezidis of Turkey. In S. Brennan, M. Herzog (eds.), Turkey and the Politics of National Identity Social, Economic and Cultural Transformation (95–117), London: I.B. Tauris.
  13. Aloian, Z. A. (2008). Religious and Philosophical Ideas of Shaikh ‘Adi b. Musafir. The History of the Yezidi Kurds in the Eleventh-Twelfth Centuries. Spånga: s.n.
  14. Amy de la Bretèque, E. (2012). Voices of Sorrow: Melodized Speech, Laments and Heroic Narratives among the Yezidis of Armenia. Yearbook for Traditional Music, 44, 129–148.
  15. Arakelova, V. (2002). Three Figures from the Yezidi Folk Pantheon. Iran and the Caucasus, 6(1–2), 57–73.
  16. Arakelova, V. (2004). Notes on the Yezidi Religious Syncretism. Iran and the Caucasus, 8(1), 19–28.
  17. Arakelova, V. (2007). Milyāk’atē-qanj – the Phallic Deity of the Yezīdīs. In F. Vahmanand and C. V. Pedersen (eds.), Religious Texts in Iranian Languages (329–336). Copenhagen: Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selbskab.
  18. Kreyenbroek & Omarkhali 125
  19. Arakelova, V. (2014). The Onion and the Mandrake: Plants in Yezidi Folk Beliefs. Journal of Persianate Studies, 7, 149–156.
  20. Arakelova, V. and Amrian, T. (2012). The Hereafter in the Yezidi Beliefs. Iran and the Caucasus, 16(3), 309–318.
  21. Asatrian, G. S. (1999–2000). The Holy brotherhood: the Yezidi Religious Institution of the ‘Brother’ and the ‘Sister’ of the ‘Next World’. Iran and the Caucasus, 3–4: 79–96.
  22. Asatrian, G. S. and Arakelova, V. (2003). Malak-Tāwūs: The Peacock Angel of the Yezidis. Iran and the Caucasus, 7(1–2), 1–36.
  23. Asatrian, G. and Arakelova, V. (2004). The Yezidi Pantheon, Iran and the Caucasus, 8(2), 231–279.
  24. Asatrian, G. S. and Arakelova, V. (2014). The Religion of the Peacock Angel: The Yezidis and Their Spirit World, Durham:Acumen/Routledge:.
  25. Bailey, D. (2008). Yezidi Kurds in multilingual contexts: language maintenance and shift. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 120–139.
  26. Bruinessen, M. van (2014). Review of Omarkhali, Kh. (ed.) Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream, Series: Studies in Oriental Religions, vol. 68, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014. Kurdish Studies, 2(2), 240–243.
  27. Dalyan, M. G. and Dogan, C. (2013). An Overview of 19th Century Yezidi Women. Asian Social Science, 9(7), 114–123. Online publication: URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v9n7p114.
  28. De Jong, A. (2009). The Peacock and the Evil One: Tawusi Melek and the Mandaean Peacock. In Ch. Allison, A. Joisten-Pruschke, A. Wendtland (eds.), From Dāena to Dîn. Religion, Kultur und Sprache in der iranischen Welt (303–320). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  29. Dehqan, M. (2008). The Fatwā of Malā Ṣāliḥ al-Kurdī al-Hakkārī: An Arabic Manuscript on the Yezidi religion. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 140–162.
  30. Dulz, I., Hajo, S. and Savelsberg, E. (2008). Persecuted and Co-Opted – the Yezidis in the ‘New’ Iraq. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 24–43.
  31. Dulz, I., Hajo, S. and Savelsberg, E. (2011). Effectively Urbanized. Yezidis in the Collective Towns of Sheikhan and Sinjar. Études Rurales, 186, 101–116.
  32. Foltz, R. (2014). Two Kurdish Sects: The Yezidis and the Yaresan. In Foltz, R. (ed.) Religions of Iran: From Prehistory to the Present (218–227). London: Onebook.
  33. Foltz, R. (2014). Review of Garnik S. Asatrian and Victoria Arakelova, The Religion of the Peacock Angel: The Yezidis and Their Spirit World, SCTIW Review, August 22, 1–3. http://sctiw.org/sctiwreviewarchives/archives/212.
  34. Kizilhan, I. (2008). Diaspora Life: Challenge or Danger? Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 44–53.
  35. Kizilhan, I. (2013). Oral History of Yezidis – Recollecting and Forgetting. In Ch. Allison and Ph. Kreyenbroek (eds.), Remembering the Past in Iranian Societies (177–188). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  36. Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. and Rashow, Kh. J. (2005), God and Sheikh Adi are Perfect. Sacred Poems and Religious Narratives from the Yezidi Tradition. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  37. Kreyenbroek, Ph. (2008). History in an Oral Culture: The Construction of History in Yezidi Sacred Texts. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 84–92.
  38. Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. (2008–2009). Jelwa, al-Ketāb, Encyclopædia Iranica, 14.6, Encyclopædia Iranica Foundation, New York, 622–623.
  39. Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. in collaboration with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh. Jindy Rashow (2009). Yezidism in Europe. Different Generations Speak about their Religion, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  40. Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. (2010). Orality and Religion in Kurdistan: The Yezidi and Ahl-e Haqq Traditions. In Ph. Kreyenbroek and U. Marzolph (eds.), Oral Literature of Iranian Languages: Kurdish, Pashto, Balochi, Ossetic, Persian and Tajik (70–88). London: I.B. Tauris.
  41. Kubálek, P. (2015). End of Islam, End of Time. An Eschatological Reading of Yezidism. Archiv orientální, 83(3), 569–598.
  42. Maisel, S. (2014). One Community, Two Identities: Syria’s Yezidis and the Struggle of a Minority Group to Fit In. In Kh. Omarkhali (ed.), Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream (79–96). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  43. Melkumyan, H. (2016). Elites between Nationalism and Tradition: The Modernization Processes in the Yezidi Community of Armenia. In Yu. Antonyan (ed.), Elites and “Elites”: Transformations of Social Structures in Post-Soviet Armenia and Georgia (175–195). Yerevan: Yerevan State University.
  44. Mossaki, N. (2014). Yezidis in Censuses in the USSR and Post-Soviet Countries. In Kh. Omarkhali (ed.), Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream (97–135). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  45. Nicolaus, P. (2008). The Lost Sanjaq. Iran and the Caucasus, 12(2), 58–91.
  46. Omarkhali, Kh. (2008). On the Structure of the Yezidi Clan and Tribal System and its Terminology among the Yezidis of the Caucasus. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 104–119.
  47. Omarkhali, Kh. (2009). Names of God and Forms of Address to God in Yezidism. WITH THE RELIGIOUS HYMN OF THE LORD. Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research, 15(2), 13–24.
  48. Omarkhali, Kh. (2009–2010). The Status and Role of the Yezidi Legends and Myths. To the Question of Comparative Analysis of Yezidism, Yārisān (Ahl-e Haqq) and Zoroastrianism: A Common Substratum? Folia Orientalia, 45–46, 197–219.
  49. Omarkhali, Kh. (2011–2012). Yezidi Religious Oral Poetic Literature: Status, Formal Characteristics, and Genre Analysis. With some examples of Yezidi religious texts. In R. Krivko, B. Lourié, A. Orlov (eds.), Scrinium, 7-8: Ars Christiana. Revue de Patrologie, D’hagiographie Critique et D’histoire Ecclésiastique (144–195), Part II. Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press.
  50. Omarkhali, Kh. (2014). Review of E. Spät, Late Antique Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition. Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press LLC 2010. ZDMG, 164, 2, 571–574.
  51. Omarkhali, Kh. (2014). Current Changes in the Yezidi System of Transmission of Religious Knowledge and Status of Spiritual Authority. In Kh. Omarkhali (ed.), Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream (67–77). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  52. Omarkhali, Kh. (2014). Convert to Islam or Die: Yezidism – An Ancient Religion Under Threat. Hamazor, 4, 22–26.
  53. Omarkhali, Kh. (2014, ed.). Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  54. Omarkhali, Kh. and Rezania, K. (2009). Some Reflections on the Concept of Time in Yezidism. In Ch. Allison, A. Joisten-Pruschke, A. Wendtland (eds.), From Dāena to Dîn. Religion, Kultur und Sprache in der iranischen Welt (331–346). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  55. Scalbert-Yücel, C. (2014). Review of E. Amy de la Bretèque, Paroles Mélodisées: Récits Épiques et Lamentations chez les Yézidis d’Arménie, Paris: Classiques Garnier. Kurdish Studies, 2 (1), 84–86.
  56. Schmidinger, Th. (2010). Review of Ph. G. Kreyenbroek in collab. with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh. J. Rashow, Yezidism in Europe: Different Generations Speak about their Religion. Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Reihe: Iranica. Neue Folge 5, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009. Orient. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur des Orients, III, 73–75.
  57. Six-Hohenbalken, M. (2011), “We’re Not the Yezidis We Used to Be! Our Religion Melted away in Germany”, Review of Ph. G. Kreyenbroek in collab. with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh. J. Rashow, Yezidism in Europe: Different Generations Speak about their Religion. Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Reihe: Iranica. Neue Folge 5, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 101, 560–562.
  58. Spät, E. (2002). Shehid bin Jerr, Forefather of the Yezidis and the Gnostic Seed of Seth. Iran and the Caucasus, 6(1–2), 27–56.
  59. Spät, E. (2004). The Festival of Sheikh Adi in Lalish, in the Holy Valley of the Yezidis. Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU (Central European University, Budapest), 10, 147–157.
  60. Spät, E. (2004). Changes in the Oral Tradition of the Yezidis of Iraqi Kurdistan. The Journal of Kurdish Studies, 5, 73–83.
  61. Spät, E. (2005). The Yezidis. London: SAQI Books.
  62. Spät, E. (2008). Late Antique Literary Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition: The Yezidi Myth of Adam. Journal of American Oriental Society, 128(4), 663–679.
  63. Spät, E. (2008). Religious Oral Tradition and the Literacy among the Yezidis of Iraq. Anthropos, 103(2), 393–404.
  64. Spät, E. (2009). The Role of the Peacock “Sanjak” in Yezidi Religious Memory. In I. Barbiera et al. (eds.), Materializing Memory – Archeological Material Culture and the Semantics of the Past (105–116). Oxford: Archaeopress.
  65. Spät, E. (2010). Late Antique Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
  66. Spät, E. (2011). The Song of the Commoner: The Gnostic Call in Yezidi Oral Tradition. In J. A. van den Berg et al. (eds.), Search of Truth: Augustine, Manichaeism and Other Gnosticism (663–683). Leiden: Brill.
  67. Spät, E. (2013). Religion and Oral History: The Origin Myth of the Yezidis. In Allison, Ch. and Kreyenbroek, Ph. (eds.), Remembering the Past in Iranian Societies (33–45). Göttinger Orientforschungen Iranica Neue Folge 9. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  68. Spät, E. (2013). On Soil and Jinn. Ritual Practices and Syncretism among the Yezidis of Northern Iraq. In Andreas H. Pries et al. (eds.), Rituale als Ausdruck von Kulturkontakt – „Synkretismus“ zwischen Negation und Neudefinition (111–129). Studies in Oriental Religions 67. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  69. Voskanian, V. (1999–2000). Dewrēš E’rd: The Yezidi Lord of the Earth. Iran and the Caucasus, 3–4, 159–166.




* Introduction to the special issue: Yezidism and Yezidi Studies in the early 21st century

Philip Kreyenbroek, Khanna Omarkhali, 122-130, https://kurdishstudies.net/product/kurdish-studies-vol-4-no-2/

Bîblîyografyaya xebatên der barê êzidiyan û êzdayetiyê de

Ji destpêka sedsala 21’emîn vir ve hevsengiya cîhanê û pê re jî ya Rojhilata Navîn guherî. Piştî ku berê her kesî vegeriya Rojhilata Navîn netew, gel û civakên li herêmê ji nêz ve hatin şopandin. Yek ji wan civakan jî civaka kurdên êzidî ye. Bala cîhanê bi destpêka sedsalê re bêhtir çû ser kurdên êzidî. Bêguman mirov dikare gelek sedeman ji bo vê yekê rêz bike. Lê sedema sereke baweriya kurdên êzidî bi xwe bû. Êzidî ji çi bawer dikin? Dînê wan di nav pergala dînên cîhanî de çawa tê nirxandin? Ayîn, dêlindêz û merasimên xwe yên dînî, çawa pêk tînin? Di civakê de pergaleke çawa heye?  ûhwd. Bi pirs û boçûnên bi vî rengî êzidiyan, êzdayetiyê hêdî hêdî di nav akademiya cîhanê de cihê xwe girt. Ji berê de ye xebatên hêja li ser êzidiyan hatine kirin û der barê êzidiyan de dewlet û împeratoriyan têra xwe arşîv girtine. Lê belê bi vê sedsalê û destwerdanên li ser Rojhilata Navîn êzidî bêhtir bûn dabaşa xeberdanê.

Nexasim piştî dagirkirin û Komkujiya Şengalê xebatên akademîk û lêkolînî yên li ser êzdayetiyê û êzidiyan her çû zêdetir bûn. Mirov dikare bi rihetî bibêje ku ji 3’ê tebaxa 2014’an heta niha bi dehan pirtûk, bi sedan tezên akademîk û gotar hatine nivîsîn. Pêwîst e her berhem bi baldariyeke zanistî bên nirxandin. Em ê kurte bîbliyografyayeke van xebatan pêşkêşî xwîneran bikin da ku xwîner bikaribin ji van xebatan haydar bin.

Duh Meclisa Medyaya Sanal a Kurdistanê bi boneya salvegera Komkujiya Şengalê li ser medyaya dijîtal kampanyayek da destpêkirin. Di çarçoveya vê kampanyayê de bi deh hezaran kes bûn dengê berxwedana êzidiyan li Şengalê. Ev bîbliyografya jî danehev û lêkolînekî piçûk e ji bo kesên ku dixwazin hûrgiliyên vê dabaşê lêbikolin. Helbet hêj gelek berhem hebûn ku me tev li vê bîbliyografyayê nekiriye. Ev berhemên di vê bîbliyografyayê de hêjayî vê xebata bîbliyografyayê hatine dîtin.


Çavkaniyên kurdî:

  1. Bi Zarê Êzîdiyan Çîrokên Gelêrî, Îdrîs Okûdûçî, J&J Yayınları
  2. Êzdîtî – Divê Mirov Rastiya Wê li ku Bigere, Ezizê Cewo, J&J Yayınları
  3. Êzdîxan û 97 Ferman, Amed Tigris – Rojîn Zarg, Apec Yayınları
  4. Heleqetîyêd Pismamtîyê di Nav Kurdan de, Emînê Evdal, Lîs, 2021
  5. Bawermendîyên Kurdên Êzdî, Emînê Evdal, Lîs, 2021
  6. Êzdîyatî, Tosinê Reşîd, Lîs, 2010
  7. Rewşa Kurden Ezidi: Fermana 73yan, Hayrettin Ekinci, J&J Yayınları, 2016
  8. Wer Sind Die Eziden? / Ezidî Kî Ne?: Ezidische Kinder Und Jugendliche Stellen Fragen Zu İhrer Religion, Identität Und Migration / Zarok Û Ciwanên Êzidî Pirsan Li Ser Dîn, Nasname Û Penaberiya Xwe Dikin, Jan Ilhan Kizilhan, Koerdisch editie, 2013


Çavkaniyên tirkî:

  1. Ezidi – Kızılbaş – Yaresan Kürtler, Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Yayınları, 2014, Ankara
  2. Acılı Coğrafyanın Kederli Çocukları, Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Yayınları, Ankara, 2015
  3. Osmanlı Ve İngiliz Arşiv Belgelerinde Yezidiler, Amed Gökçen, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2012, İstanbul
  4. Ezidiler: Kara Kitap, Kara Talih, Amed Gökçen, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014, İstanbul
  5. Kadim Bir Nefes: Ezidi Ağıtları, Amed Gökçen, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2015, İstanbul,
  6. Abede-İ İblis: Yezidi Taifesinin İtikadı, A’datı, Evsafı, Ayandan Mustafa Nuri Paşa, Hazırlayan: Amed Gökçen, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2013, İstanbul
  7. Ezidilik: Arka Planı, Dinî Âdetleri Ve Metinsel Geleneği, Philip G. Kreyenbroek, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014, İstanbul
  8. Yezidilerin Tarihi, John S. Guest, Avesta Yayınları
  9. Yezidi Sözlü Kültürü, Christine Allison, Avesta Yayınları
  10. Yezidiler, Din Tarih Ve Toplumsal Hayat, Roger Lescot, Avesta Yayınları
  11. Yezidi İnancında Melek-İ Tawus, Otto Jastrow, Avesta Yayınları
  12. Yezidi Kadınlar: Kültürel Sınırların Edilgen Taşıyıcıları, Fexrîye Adsay, Avesta Yayınları
  13. Avrupa’da Yezidilik, Philip G. Kreyenbroek, Avesta Yayınları
  14. Yezidi İnancında Melek-İ Tawus, Mehmet Raif Söylemez, Avesta Yayınları
  15. Tanrı Ve Şeyh Adi Kusursuzdur: Yezidi Tarihinden Kutsal Şiirler Ve Dinsel Anlatılar, Philip G. Kreyenbroek-Xelil Reşow, Avesta Yayınları
  16. Şeyh Adi Bin Müsafir Hayatı, Menkıbevi Kişiliği Ve Yezidi İnancındaki Yeri, Metin Bozan, Nubihar Yayınları
  17. Sincar Dağı – Bilinmeyen Bir Halkın Öyküsü: Yezidi Halkının Yarı Pagan Öğretisi Ve Uygulamaları, Samuele Giamil, 2018
  18. Ezidiler: Bir Toplumun Kültürünün Ve Dininin Tarihi, Birgül Açıkyıldız Şengül, Alfa Yayınları, 2015
  19. Fermanlara Direnen Halk Ezidiler, Mazlum Özdemir, Belge Yayınları, 2015
  20. Ezidilerin 73. Fermanı Şengal Soykırımı, Namık Kemal Dinç, Zan Yayınları, 2015
  21. Melek Tavus’un Halkı – Ezidiler, Sabiha Banu Yalkut, Metis, 2002
  22. Ezidiler: 73. Ferman Katliam Ve Kurtuluş, Nurcan Baysal, İletişim, 2016
  23. Öteki Kürtler: Sömürge Irak’ında Ezidiler, Nelida Fuccaro, Bgst Yayınları, 2010
  24. Işidin Kölesi, Thierry Oberle, Librium Yaınevi, 2015
  25. Son Kız: Esaretimin Hikayesi Ve Işid’le Mücadelem: Esaretimin Hikayesi Ve Işid’le Mücadelem, Nadia Murad, Epsilon, 2019
  26. Yezidilik, Mehmet Sait Çakar, Vadi Yayınları,
  27. Yezidilik Ve Yezidiler, Davut Okçu, Ekin Yayınları, 2021
  28. Kanatların Gölgesinde – Şengal Dile Gelirse, Namık Kemal Dinç, Zan Vakfı Yayınları


Çavkaniyên îngilizî:

Selected Bibliography of Works on Yezidis in English, 2000–2016( Bîbliyografyaya Xebatên Bijartî yên der barê Êzidiyan de, 2000-2016) *

  1. Ackermann, A. (2004). A Double Minority: Notes on the Emerging Yezidi Diaspora. In W. Kokot et al. (eds.), Diaspora, Identity and Religion. New Directions in Theory and Research (156–169). London, New York: Routledge.
  2. Ackermann, A. (2008). Diaspora, Cyberspace and Yezidism. The Use of the Internet among Yezidis in Germany. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 54–83.
  3. Ackermann, A. (2010). Review of Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. in collab. with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh. J. Rashow, Yezidism in Europe: Different Generations Speak about their Religion. Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Series: Iranica, 5, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009. Religion, 40(4), 366–368.
  4. Açikyildiz, B. (2009). The Sanctuary of Shaykh ‘Adī at Lalish: Centre of Pilgrimage of the Yezidis. BSOAS, 72(2), 302–333.
  5. Açikyildiz, B. (2010). The Yezidis: the History of a Community, Culture and Religion. London: I.B. Tauris. (2nd edition 2014.)
  6. Allison, Ch. (2001). The Yezidi Oral Tradition in Iraqi Kurdistan. Richmond: Curzon Press.
  7. Allison, Ch. (2004). Imagining the Book: Fakery, Fantasy and the Search for Yezidi Scriptures. In A. Krasnowolska et al. (eds.), International Conference on Kurdish Studies (133–144). Cracow: Polish Academy of Sciences Press.
  8. Allison, Ch. (2004). Yazidis i. General. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Originally Published: July 20, 2004. Available at: http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/yazidis-i-general-1.
  9. Allison, Ch. (2008). “Unbelievable Slowness of Mind”: Yezidi Studies, from Nineteenth to Twenty-First Century. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 1–23.
  10. Allison, Ch. (2009). Representations of Yezidism and Zoroastrianism in the Kurdish Newspapers Hawar and Roja Nû. In Ch. Allison, A. Joisten-Pruschke, A. Wendtland (eds.), From Daena to Din: Religion, Kultur und Sprache in der iranischen Welt (285–291). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  11. Allison, Ch. (2013). Addressivity and the Monument: Memorials, Publics and the Yezidis of Armenia. History & Memory, 25(1), 145–181.
  12. Allison, Ch. (2014). Living with Labels: New Identities and the Yezidis of Turkey. In S. Brennan, M. Herzog (eds.), Turkey and the Politics of National Identity Social, Economic and Cultural Transformation (95–117), London: I.B. Tauris.
  13. Aloian, Z. A. (2008). Religious and Philosophical Ideas of Shaikh ‘Adi b. Musafir. The History of the Yezidi Kurds in the Eleventh-Twelfth Centuries. Spånga: s.n.
  14. Amy de la Bretèque, E. (2012). Voices of Sorrow: Melodized Speech, Laments and Heroic Narratives among the Yezidis of Armenia. Yearbook for Traditional Music, 44, 129–148.
  15. Arakelova, V. (2002). Three Figures from the Yezidi Folk Pantheon. Iran and the Caucasus, 6(1–2), 57–73.
  16. Arakelova, V. (2004). Notes on the Yezidi Religious Syncretism. Iran and the Caucasus, 8(1), 19–28.
  17. Arakelova, V. (2007). Milyāk’atē-qanj – the Phallic Deity of the Yezīdīs. In F. Vahmanand and C. V. Pedersen (eds.), Religious Texts in Iranian Languages (329–336). Copenhagen: Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selbskab.
  18. Kreyenbroek & Omarkhali 125
  19. Arakelova, V. (2014). The Onion and the Mandrake: Plants in Yezidi Folk Beliefs. Journal of Persianate Studies, 7, 149–156.
  20. Arakelova, V. and Amrian, T. (2012). The Hereafter in the Yezidi Beliefs. Iran and the Caucasus, 16(3), 309–318.
  21. Asatrian, G. S. (1999–2000). The Holy brotherhood: the Yezidi Religious Institution of the ‘Brother’ and the ‘Sister’ of the ‘Next World’. Iran and the Caucasus, 3–4: 79–96.
  22. Asatrian, G. S. and Arakelova, V. (2003). Malak-Tāwūs: The Peacock Angel of the Yezidis. Iran and the Caucasus, 7(1–2), 1–36.
  23. Asatrian, G. and Arakelova, V. (2004). The Yezidi Pantheon, Iran and the Caucasus, 8(2), 231–279.
  24. Asatrian, G. S. and Arakelova, V. (2014). The Religion of the Peacock Angel: The Yezidis and Their Spirit World, Durham:Acumen/Routledge:.
  25. Bailey, D. (2008). Yezidi Kurds in multilingual contexts: language maintenance and shift. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 120–139.
  26. Bruinessen, M. van (2014). Review of Omarkhali, Kh. (ed.) Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream, Series: Studies in Oriental Religions, vol. 68, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014. Kurdish Studies, 2(2), 240–243.
  27. Dalyan, M. G. and Dogan, C. (2013). An Overview of 19th Century Yezidi Women. Asian Social Science, 9(7), 114–123. Online publication: URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v9n7p114.
  28. De Jong, A. (2009). The Peacock and the Evil One: Tawusi Melek and the Mandaean Peacock. In Ch. Allison, A. Joisten-Pruschke, A. Wendtland (eds.), From Dāena to Dîn. Religion, Kultur und Sprache in der iranischen Welt (303–320). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  29. Dehqan, M. (2008). The Fatwā of Malā Ṣāliḥ al-Kurdī al-Hakkārī: An Arabic Manuscript on the Yezidi religion. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 140–162.
  30. Dulz, I., Hajo, S. and Savelsberg, E. (2008). Persecuted and Co-Opted – the Yezidis in the ‘New’ Iraq. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 24–43.
  31. Dulz, I., Hajo, S. and Savelsberg, E. (2011). Effectively Urbanized. Yezidis in the Collective Towns of Sheikhan and Sinjar. Études Rurales, 186, 101–116.
  32. Foltz, R. (2014). Two Kurdish Sects: The Yezidis and the Yaresan. In Foltz, R. (ed.) Religions of Iran: From Prehistory to the Present (218–227). London: Onebook.
  33. Foltz, R. (2014). Review of Garnik S. Asatrian and Victoria Arakelova, The Religion of the Peacock Angel: The Yezidis and Their Spirit World, SCTIW Review, August 22, 1–3. http://sctiw.org/sctiwreviewarchives/archives/212.
  34. Kizilhan, I. (2008). Diaspora Life: Challenge or Danger? Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 44–53.
  35. Kizilhan, I. (2013). Oral History of Yezidis – Recollecting and Forgetting. In Ch. Allison and Ph. Kreyenbroek (eds.), Remembering the Past in Iranian Societies (177–188). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  36. Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. and Rashow, Kh. J. (2005), God and Sheikh Adi are Perfect. Sacred Poems and Religious Narratives from the Yezidi Tradition. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  37. Kreyenbroek, Ph. (2008). History in an Oral Culture: The Construction of History in Yezidi Sacred Texts. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 84–92.
  38. Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. (2008–2009). Jelwa, al-Ketāb, Encyclopædia Iranica, 14.6, Encyclopædia Iranica Foundation, New York, 622–623.
  39. Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. in collaboration with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh. Jindy Rashow (2009). Yezidism in Europe. Different Generations Speak about their Religion, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  40. Kreyenbroek, Ph. G. (2010). Orality and Religion in Kurdistan: The Yezidi and Ahl-e Haqq Traditions. In Ph. Kreyenbroek and U. Marzolph (eds.), Oral Literature of Iranian Languages: Kurdish, Pashto, Balochi, Ossetic, Persian and Tajik (70–88). London: I.B. Tauris.
  41. Kubálek, P. (2015). End of Islam, End of Time. An Eschatological Reading of Yezidism. Archiv orientální, 83(3), 569–598.
  42. Maisel, S. (2014). One Community, Two Identities: Syria’s Yezidis and the Struggle of a Minority Group to Fit In. In Kh. Omarkhali (ed.), Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream (79–96). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  43. Melkumyan, H. (2016). Elites between Nationalism and Tradition: The Modernization Processes in the Yezidi Community of Armenia. In Yu. Antonyan (ed.), Elites and “Elites”: Transformations of Social Structures in Post-Soviet Armenia and Georgia (175–195). Yerevan: Yerevan State University.
  44. Mossaki, N. (2014). Yezidis in Censuses in the USSR and Post-Soviet Countries. In Kh. Omarkhali (ed.), Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream (97–135). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  45. Nicolaus, P. (2008). The Lost Sanjaq. Iran and the Caucasus, 12(2), 58–91.
  46. Omarkhali, Kh. (2008). On the Structure of the Yezidi Clan and Tribal System and its Terminology among the Yezidis of the Caucasus. Journal of Kurdish Studies, 6, 104–119.
  47. Omarkhali, Kh. (2009). Names of God and Forms of Address to God in Yezidism. WITH THE RELIGIOUS HYMN OF THE LORD. Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research, 15(2), 13–24.
  48. Omarkhali, Kh. (2009–2010). The Status and Role of the Yezidi Legends and Myths. To the Question of Comparative Analysis of Yezidism, Yārisān (Ahl-e Haqq) and Zoroastrianism: A Common Substratum? Folia Orientalia, 45–46, 197–219.
  49. Omarkhali, Kh. (2011–2012). Yezidi Religious Oral Poetic Literature: Status, Formal Characteristics, and Genre Analysis. With some examples of Yezidi religious texts. In R. Krivko, B. Lourié, A. Orlov (eds.), Scrinium, 7-8: Ars Christiana. Revue de Patrologie, D’hagiographie Critique et D’histoire Ecclésiastique (144–195), Part II. Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press.
  50. Omarkhali, Kh. (2014). Review of E. Spät, Late Antique Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition. Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press LLC 2010. ZDMG, 164, 2, 571–574.
  51. Omarkhali, Kh. (2014). Current Changes in the Yezidi System of Transmission of Religious Knowledge and Status of Spiritual Authority. In Kh. Omarkhali (ed.), Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream (67–77). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  52. Omarkhali, Kh. (2014). Convert to Islam or Die: Yezidism – An Ancient Religion Under Threat. Hamazor, 4, 22–26.
  53. Omarkhali, Kh. (2014, ed.). Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  54. Omarkhali, Kh. and Rezania, K. (2009). Some Reflections on the Concept of Time in Yezidism. In Ch. Allison, A. Joisten-Pruschke, A. Wendtland (eds.), From Dāena to Dîn. Religion, Kultur und Sprache in der iranischen Welt (331–346). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  55. Scalbert-Yücel, C. (2014). Review of E. Amy de la Bretèque, Paroles Mélodisées: Récits Épiques et Lamentations chez les Yézidis d’Arménie, Paris: Classiques Garnier. Kurdish Studies, 2 (1), 84–86.
  56. Schmidinger, Th. (2010). Review of Ph. G. Kreyenbroek in collab. with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh. J. Rashow, Yezidism in Europe: Different Generations Speak about their Religion. Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Reihe: Iranica. Neue Folge 5, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009. Orient. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur des Orients, III, 73–75.
  57. Six-Hohenbalken, M. (2011), “We’re Not the Yezidis We Used to Be! Our Religion Melted away in Germany”, Review of Ph. G. Kreyenbroek in collab. with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh. J. Rashow, Yezidism in Europe: Different Generations Speak about their Religion. Göttinger Orientforschungen, III. Reihe: Iranica. Neue Folge 5, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 101, 560–562.
  58. Spät, E. (2002). Shehid bin Jerr, Forefather of the Yezidis and the Gnostic Seed of Seth. Iran and the Caucasus, 6(1–2), 27–56.
  59. Spät, E. (2004). The Festival of Sheikh Adi in Lalish, in the Holy Valley of the Yezidis. Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU (Central European University, Budapest), 10, 147–157.
  60. Spät, E. (2004). Changes in the Oral Tradition of the Yezidis of Iraqi Kurdistan. The Journal of Kurdish Studies, 5, 73–83.
  61. Spät, E. (2005). The Yezidis. London: SAQI Books.
  62. Spät, E. (2008). Late Antique Literary Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition: The Yezidi Myth of Adam. Journal of American Oriental Society, 128(4), 663–679.
  63. Spät, E. (2008). Religious Oral Tradition and the Literacy among the Yezidis of Iraq. Anthropos, 103(2), 393–404.
  64. Spät, E. (2009). The Role of the Peacock “Sanjak” in Yezidi Religious Memory. In I. Barbiera et al. (eds.), Materializing Memory – Archeological Material Culture and the Semantics of the Past (105–116). Oxford: Archaeopress.
  65. Spät, E. (2010). Late Antique Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
  66. Spät, E. (2011). The Song of the Commoner: The Gnostic Call in Yezidi Oral Tradition. In J. A. van den Berg et al. (eds.), Search of Truth: Augustine, Manichaeism and Other Gnosticism (663–683). Leiden: Brill.
  67. Spät, E. (2013). Religion and Oral History: The Origin Myth of the Yezidis. In Allison, Ch. and Kreyenbroek, Ph. (eds.), Remembering the Past in Iranian Societies (33–45). Göttinger Orientforschungen Iranica Neue Folge 9. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  68. Spät, E. (2013). On Soil and Jinn. Ritual Practices and Syncretism among the Yezidis of Northern Iraq. In Andreas H. Pries et al. (eds.), Rituale als Ausdruck von Kulturkontakt – „Synkretismus“ zwischen Negation und Neudefinition (111–129). Studies in Oriental Religions 67. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  69. Voskanian, V. (1999–2000). Dewrēš E’rd: The Yezidi Lord of the Earth. Iran and the Caucasus, 3–4, 159–166.




* Introduction to the special issue: Yezidism and Yezidi Studies in the early 21st century

Philip Kreyenbroek, Khanna Omarkhali, 122-130, https://kurdishstudies.net/product/kurdish-studies-vol-4-no-2/